Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lucky Blocks

Last year I posted my Lucky Blocks that I made at my sister-in-laws house about two years ago.  I remember that it was two years ago because my daughter was about a month old or so and had colic really bad.  It was my first experience having a baby with colic and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone.  

I went to my sister-in-laws house and couldn't even finish making the project because of my crying baby.  So my sister-in-laws came to my rescue and finished them for me.  Otherwise, they would have never got done.  :)  Thank goodness for family! 

My sister-in-law got all the materials ready for us to make them.  She had the wood cut and paper and vinyl available.  We even mod podged glitter on the blocks as a finishing touch.  

Such a fun and cute project!



1. sadf said...

Oh wow! Those blocks are so cute! I need to make these, as I'm realizing I don't have far enough St Patty's day decor. Thanks for the inspiration!

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