Thursday, September 29, 2011

VT- General Conference Gifts

I am not very good at visiting teaching unless I have something to give my sisters.  I usually just print out a little handout or make cookies.  This month I decided make something for them for General Conference.  I didn't know what until I saw THIS post.  I loved the idea, so here it is...
I added a couple extra things in my gifts like...
A Forget Me Not bookmark found HERE.
The visiting teaching message about Strengthening Families found HERE.
A visiting teaching handout found HERE.
and General Conference Packets for my sister's kids found HERE

Now I just need to make my children something for General Conference because they thought the gift was for them...


1. Anonymous said...

I wish you were my sister! Me <--- Jealous.
- Megan @ Young Trendsetter

2. Honey at 2805 said...

What neat goodie bags you put together! You little daughter is precious!!

Thank you for linking to Potpourri Friday. I appreciation your participation!

3. Ellen said...

Awesome.... sucky sisters. And that lil princess is beautiful.
Happy Fall

4. Unknown said...

I am just wondering if you have a link sharing the "some things in life are meant to be share" tags?

5. Unknown said...

I also saw, in picking this apart, making sure I get all the cute little details,, the little round pic on page two, looks like a family???? thanks

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