Thursday, September 1, 2011

Jean Satchel

My boys have been fascinated with Indiana Jones.  They act out "missions" that they have to accomplish and artifacts that they have to find.  And you know you can't be Indiana Jones without a satchel to carry those important treasures in. 

So Calvin, my 9 year old, decided that he should sew one together.  He wanted to make one out of jeans.  I just happened to have a pair of jeans that ripped right below the zipper. (Does that happen to anyone else, or just me?)  Calvin took those jeans and carefully designed his own satchel.  I helped him sew it.  He just told me what to do.

I really love the buttton!

Here you can tell that he cut the lower half of the leg off.  We made one seam by sewing "the bottom" together and we instantly had a bag!

For the strap, he just cut two pieces into long strips.  We sewed them together to make one long strap.  I did a quick zigzag stitch along the long part.  It gives support and stills looks a little rugged.  And then we sewed it onto the bag.

Calvin cut the other "leg" for the flap.  I did another zigzag stitch on the edges and we sewed it onto the top of the bag.  We added a button and button hole and we were done!

So easy!  Calvin did a great job designing it all on his own!  This satchel has been on many adventures already, with many more to come!


1. Bridget Miller said...

One down, 4 more to build. ;o)

2. Lindsay said...

This is super cute! I know my kids would LOVE this bag! Thanks for sharing this at Show & Share!

By the way, I have a fun giveaway going on now, check it out if you'd like--

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