Thursday, June 14, 2012

Practice Schedule

I have to be really organized with my time, but who doesn't? Women are very busy all of the time!  For those of you who are just tuning in, I have seven kids.  I had five boys first and then two girls at the end.  

I give Piano Lessons to all of my boys, ages 12 to 6.  And I give violin and viola lessons to three of the boys as well.  (I take one of my boys somewhere for Cello lessons.) Plus I have other students as well that I teach Piano to.  As you can imagine, I have to keep track of lessons and practicing and make sure that no one gets missed.  

My boys would get so tired of me asking if they did their practicing or if they need a lesson.  So this is how I keep track...

There may be easier ways to do this, but this is what works for me.  I picked this magnetic note pad up at Hobby Lobby.  I keep it on the refrigerator for all to see.  (It's a reminder if they did their practicing or not.)  I write down every name and the instrument that they have to practice on.  And I also include what day they have lessons on.  Once they are done with lessons or practicing, then they get checked off for that day.  And I don't have to ask them 20 times if they did their practicing.  :)

I also use this to make sure every boy gets the lessons that need.  And I include any additional lessons that I give, plus any extra activities.  I used to write this all of my calendar, but not anymore because I have too many names to include. 

I love seeing all their names checked off at the end of the day.  And I especially love seeing everything checked off at the beginning of the day!  There is never a quiet moment at our house...


Just Jaime said...

It's so much less stressful to be organized! Great idea!

Valerie Earnest said...

Great idea! I teach piano lessons to my daughter and will start my son in the fall, along with three other girls I teach. I will keep this in mind....

Veronica and Daniel said...

I love checking things off lists :) I just finished making my list of things "to do" today...getting to check them off once done is totally motivation for me :)

Veronica said...

Sometimes you need a a check list. I know it make me feel better when I check things off. I feel accomplished.

Jill said...

I'm a big fan of lists, and find my kids appreciate the organisation too! Looks like you needed one for this!

Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a fabulous week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success

Peggy Meckling-Baker said...

Being a piano and voice teacher myself, I can appreciate how important it is to keep a schedule. Great job. I just found you and I'm your newest follower. Thanks for the inspiration!

Rose :: Fine Craft Guild . com said...

7 kids. thats just so humbling. managing these is one thing, giving them all private music classes another. hat's off!! thank you for linking it up at our party at

Carrie said...

What a great idea! It is so important to stay organized and even more so when you are dealing with so many different kids. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

Rachel said...

This is a great tip! I've only got two old enough for piano lessons, but I still have a hard time making sure they get their practicing in. Thanks for sharing at Terrific Tuesdays.

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