Today we have Mandy from Mandy Jean Chic guest posting for us. She is going to show us a simple way to organize our rings, but first let's learn a little about Mandy....
Hi everyone! It's Mandy from the blog Mandy Jean Chic. As my blog description states I am a proud law enforcement wife, blogger, Mom to a rowdy bunch of Bloodhounds, fashion loving, make up wearing, shoe obsessed, 4x4 enthusiast, gun shooting, DIY project kinda gal.
Hi everyone! It's Mandy from the blog Mandy Jean Chic. As my blog description states I am a proud law enforcement wife, blogger, Mom to a rowdy bunch of Bloodhounds, fashion loving, make up wearing, shoe obsessed, 4x4 enthusiast, gun shooting, DIY project kinda gal.
I started Mandy Jean Chic about a year ago. I love following blogs, checking out projects, trying the latest make up tutorial and the joy of connecting with others. Mandy Jean Chic reflects me, my style, home, projects, shopping trips, make up fails, product reviews, DIY crafts, organizing, cleaning. If its chic I will try it.
I hope you enjoy my DIY ring holder and please stop by my blog to say hello.
Am I the only gal who spends wwaayyy to much time on Pinterest and YouTube?? I see all of these great projects and I pin or like them but I never do them. I am on a kick to organize my craft room/woman cave/dressing room/studio/filming area/no boys allowed room. With the holidays around the corner I wanted to keep my projects fairly budget friendly but begin this daunting task.
After gathering inspiration from many videos I decided I had the items laying around my craft room to make a ring holder. Before making this my rings were stored safely in a small bowl on or around my dresser. The only supplies I needed to purchase were the hair curlers and more glue.
Box- large enough to hold rings but small enough for storage. I used an old BirchBox
Hair curlers- enough to fill box tightly
Contact Paper
#1- Start by flipping your contact paper over and measuring your box. Remember to allow for the paper to come over the sides and into the box
#2- Remove contact paper and lay flat
#3- Carefully place your box in the middle of the paper and begin wrapping the box
#4- Wrap as you would a present. Fold edges and top into the box
#5- Remove curler from plastic clip. They should open at the clip and pull off. You can cut them off if you need to as we will be covering the curlers with felt
#6- Fill box with curlers. Make sure they are tight but not tight enough the spring out. You can see I had to cut some to make them fit snug.
#8- Spread glue around the bottom of the box and start tucking your felt wrapped curlers in
Once you have all the rows tucked you can jazz up your box with ribbon or leave it as a drawer box. For just a few dollars I think this ring box is a wonderful way to keep your precious rings organized and safe!
If you make a ring holder or have any DIY organizing crafts please head over to Mandy Jean Chic and leave me a comment. I would LOVE to check them out! I am now off to organize my necklaces, bracelets, and make up.
Thank you Mandy for sharing! What a great way to organize! My jewelry is in some serious need of organization, I really need to try this!

Such a great idea!!! I need to organize my rings!
Love the idea. I think it would be easier to use form type insulation (tube shape) from the hardware store. You can cut to fit the box, and it would be sturdier than the curlers, probably cheaper too.
This is SO creative!! I'm visiting from the Sunday blog hop over at Blissful & Domestic!
Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
Such a cool idea - love the homemade look of it and how the rings are all laid out for you to see :)
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