Monday, November 5, 2012

A New Addition to the Family!

We had an exciting weekend!   We all attended the Gila Valley Stampede that our brother and sister-in-law put together.  It was a family type rodeo and so much fun!  There were gift certificates and belt buckles to be won and lots of action and cheering!  We are so grateful that they put this rodeo on every year and we all look forward to it!

But the highlight of the weekend was Brittany's new baby!  She left the rodeo an hour or two early to have her water broken and a few hours later, she had a beautiful baby boy!  We were actually pretty surprised because we were all expecting her to have a girl, but we love her little baby boy.

He was born November 3 at 5:41pm. He weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces and was 19 inches long.  They named him Preston Reed Miner.

Congratulations to the Miner family!



1. henning love said...

yay congrat to the miner family!! i love his name :-) the stampede sounds like a great time

2. Just Jaime said...


3. smart momma said...

yay!! congratulations and welcome to the world preston!! (i like that name)


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