Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Nice Compliment

We were featured today on an amazing blog!
She had so many nice things to say...

So head on over and check it out here!

We feel so honored that Terri would take the time to feature us...Thank you!


1. Jennifer said...

Hi there! I saw your feature on A Creative Princess and wanted to come over and take a look. Definitely a new follower! Great site. I look forward to seeing more! I added your button to my site too. :-)

2. Priceless Heritage said...

That is a fun blog great job girls! Hey Brianna- to answer your question about should work now. For some reason it doesn't always show up sorry. Do you have a followers list? I linked up to your Facebook.

3. Priceless Heritage said...

Ok sorry- Your follow list is now showing up. So weird. Maybe I needed to be logged in first for it to show up. Makes sense. ha ha.

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