Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Old Window #2

A couple weeks ago, I posted some old windows that I bought HERE.  (I bought these windows from Craigslist.) I put the 1st window on my back fence for a Backyard Treatment- You can find that post HERE.
Well, I finally finished my 2nd project with these windows.  I made a cork board picture frame for my daughters room. 
Here it is...
 Here is the window before...
This project took me a little longer than I expected because I knew what I wanted, but I was not sure how to do it.  I knew that I wanted cork board instead of the actual windows.  One night I tried taking out the windows and I am telling you- those windows are indestructible!  I broke 3 razor blades trying to get the glass out!  
So my Plan B was to glue the cork board directly onto the window.  I actually used Mod Podge and Mod Podged some fabric to the cork board, and the cork board to the window.  To my surprise, this worked great!  
Then, I had four left over knobs that I put at the bottom of the window.  I also lined each window with some trim to hide any gaps from the cork board.  To finish it off, I just pinned some pictures of my daughter to the window and it was done!

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1. Jules w/ LovelyandCo said...

Oh my gosh that is such a cute project idea! I love it! Thanks for following my blog :) I love yours!!! Newest follower too!

2. Unknown said...

Love this project! Excellent idea.. Great idea and it turned out awesome.

3. Dez said...

This is so beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

4. Peggy said...

Great project I'm always looking for ways to use old windows. Thanks for sharing.

5. Kristen said...

love using old windows! I drive by a salvage yard and want to go get some, I just have no where to put them! Thank you so much for linking up to Handmade Tuesdays @ Ladybug Blessings!

6. Anonymous said...

This is So So cute! I love it! Thanks for following my blog I am now following yours, it's so cute!

7. Lissa said...

That is gorgeous! I love how it turned out. So pretty.

8. Coley said...

I love how your window project turned out. I did something similar for my living rom and get compliments on it all the time. Very creative :)

9. Brooke said...

I saved all my old windows from my house and have done a similar project. However, my pictures are behind the glass which makes it so hard when I want to change out the pictures. Love the way you did it!

Just found you off of One Tough Mother and am loving your blog. I'm a new follower.

10. Unknown said...

This is so beautiful! I love the knobs - nice touch. Thanks for linking up!

11. Robin @ Bird On A Cake said...

This is just darling! Great job!

12. RhettDidntGiveADamn said...

I love anything with old windows and your turned out beautifully. (new follower here!)

13. Southwest Cottage Designs said...

I really liked the last window you put on the fence, and you did a fabulous job with this one, also. I love decorating with old windows.

14. Shabby chic Sandy said...

This is beyond adorable--and $5 for the windows..unreal! Thanks for sharing your darling project!

15. Unknown said...

What a beautiful idea. I'm kicking myself right now because I walked right passed a window just like this a few weeks ago, not picking it up because I didn't want the neighbors to think I was a weirdo. Stupid me.

16. Chrystie said...

Really cute! I love how it turned out! I've done some old windows myself & have really enjoyed it too!! Here's mine if you want to take a look... and this one... There's so much you can do w/old windows! LOVE THEM!! Great job! :)

17. Amy @MoMomma said...

This turned out great :) I'm your newest follower! I have a MoMomma Monday link up which runs all week through friday. come link up if you can!

18. Anonymous said...

It turned out so cute!! Maybe I do need one :)

19. Terriea Kwong said...

So sweet to have the captures in this pretty window.

20. Inspired By June said...

Wow AZ to TX and some still in AZ, sounds like my life :) I love what you did with this window frame. Cork-board was great idea and this looks super sweet hanging about your daughters crib! Great job!

21. Anonymous said...

So very cute! ..and I love that it's something to grow with!

22. Melanie @ bear rabbit bear said...

Lovely! It looks so vintage, yet modern at the same time. Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday.


23. Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

I love crafting with old windows, but your idea is awesome! I love that you used corkboard!

24. Jenn said...

this is So cute and I am really jealous because it seems like everyone on the planet can find old doors and windows except me! It's awesome, I love what you did with it.

25. Anonymous said...

What a brilliant idea! and really beautifully done!

26. Stephanie said...

Great way to use an old frame!

27. Anonymous said...

That is TOO CUTE!! I wish I was crafty like that! I love the idea & the finished product. Thanks for linking up at Living Life Intentionally Linky Party =-)

28. The mum of all trades said...

This is fabulous. I'd love if you would share this at my blog link up this weekend. Hope you can make it!

29. Katie said...

This is adorable! I love the fabric you used! The pictures of your daughter are adorable!

30. Cate from Random Crafty Georgia Girl said...

Such a cute idea! I will be sharing this on Random Crafty Georgia Girl soon.

31. amy said...

Oh, wow, this is beautiful! You did a fantastic job! What a way to upcycle! Can I beg you to share it here?

32. Jill said...

Oh wow! what a brilliant idea for a photo frame! I love it!

Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a great week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success

33. Nicholette said...

You were featured on Craft Envy!

34. Anonymous said...

It's beautiful! I'm in love. Now I'm going to have to find one...

35. Unknown said...

Just wanted to let you know I'm featuring this project tomorrow! Stop by and grab a featured button!

36. Tara Gauthier said...

This is such a cute idea. New follower to your blog. Check out mine too please!

37. Trish @MomOnTimeout said...

I just love it when something old is made new again - you did a beautiful job! Thanks for sharing at Taking A Timeout Thursday!

38. Lindsay said...

So where can I find an old window like this?? This is absolutely fabulous! I love what you did with it! Great job! Thanks for linking up at Show & Share.

39. Jaime Lyn at Crafty Scrappy Happy said...

anddd did I mention I am in love with this too?!?! :o) You rock my new friend!
Jaime from crafty scrappy happy

40. Milla said...

This is super cute! I love this. Works great in any room.

41. Unknown said...

I do believe im your newest follower yay!

Im loving this idea. Its so vintage and pretty.


42. Crystal said...

I am loving this! Great idea to add the corkboard! I have an old window I have been wanting to add pics to and this makes me want to make it my next project! Love it! Thanks so much for sharing!!! :)
Homemaker in Heels

43. Krista said...

I am always on the lookout for an old window so I can do something like this. So far, no luck!

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