A few months ago, I bought some Moda fabric on clearance. I liked how it was bright, playful and fun and wanted to make a quilt! So I decided that I needed to start and complete this quilt before I had my baby girl, who was due in February (a few months ago).
Well, I finished it! I know that it's April now, but I am just getting around to posting it, mainly because I needed someone to hold up the quilt for me so I could take a picture. Having 13 year old twin boys really come in handy for a picture like this. :) I actually finished the quilt in February.
I wanted to use a different pattern than I had done before. So I was on the look out for different patterns of quilts. I actually don't use "patterns", I don't know how. :) I just like to look around and when I find something I like, then I figure out a way to create it!
I was eyeing a quilt that my husband's grandma made and gave us for our wedding 14 years ago. It had the pinwheels on it and I thought this fabric would be so fun to make pinwheels out of! So here it is and I love it!
I made the quilt by cutting blocks in half and the sewing them into diagonal squares and then the pinwheel pattern. Then I added the strips and pieced the quilt together. I used my walking foot to machine quilt it. I followed the pinwheel pattern and it turned out cute!
My daughter quickly claimed the quilt. The boys said that it was "too girly", so they were OK with it. But over the past few months, I see the quilt being used by the boys more and more.
I guess the comfort of a homemade quilt out weighs the "girly-ness" of it. :)