Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Feature: Third Sunday Dinner Blog

 Years ago, my family lived a few houses down from an amazing family!  My kids were little then.  I had only my five boys.  And my boys loved their kids.  They would talk about them all the time.  Every time we would pass their house, which was all the time, my kids would look out the window to see if they were outside.  The father of this family is a Chef.  And an amazing one if I do say so myself. 

 His name is Chef Brad. When we moved away from that neighborhood, Chef Brad made our family dinner as we were packing.  And I will have to say that he made the most amazing salad I have ever had!  Even to this day, my husband jokes about me eating the whole thing.  And the salad was huge.  In my defense, I only finished eating it when everyone was done.  :)  And I still have cravings for that salad even after seven years!

My husband stopped by their house one evening and Chef Brad just made brownies.  He gave my husband one and when he came home that night, he couldn't stop talking about them!  He said that the brownies tasted like he was in heaven!

 He teaches people how to cook with all different types of grains.  Grains that I have never even heard from!  And he can make everything taste so delightful! And he also has a cooking show on BYUtv called Fusion Grain Cooking.  The reason I am telling you all this, is because he has recently started a blog called Third Sunday Dinner.  He shares recipes, stories and tips.  The most recent post he did is on Lemons.  He talks about all the health benefits of lemons.  It's very information and you don't want to miss  it!  So head on over to Third Sunday Dinner and check out everything Chef Brad has to offer and you will be wishing that you are neighbors with him too!



Kelly said...

Sounds like a great idea! I love everything lemon! Have a great weekend! Kelly x0x0

Courtney @ Ordinary Happily Ever After said...

I LOVE Chef Brad!

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