Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Around the World Blog Hop

Hi everyone! It's been awhile since we have posted.  I will let you know what we have been up to. But first, I wanted to introduce this post.  We were invited to participate in the Around the World Blog Hop from Sew Stormy.  Shannon is amazing and we have mentioned her before on our blog.  You will have to click on by and see what she is up to.  If you love quilting and sewing, then don't wait another second...go and check her out!
Now I'm supposed to introduce myself.  I'm Briana and I'm the oldest of the four sisters here.  I am the mother of eight wonderful children.  We are now entering into and right in the middle of the teenage years to a couple of boys.  That is quite the experience!  My husband is finishing up his OB/GYN residency next year and we are all super excited and hope to see him more.  :) I give piano, violin and viola lessons after school as well.   I am currently finishing up my Bachelors degree from Arizona State University.  After this semester, I will have only two classes left.  That has kept me busy along with the demands and joys of motherhood.  That is one of the reasons why our blog has taken the backseat this past year.  We have been really busy with our Etsy shop as well.  If you want to check it out the link is Babblings and More.   But I love to try new recipes and I love to sew, especially quilts.  I love to craft and I go through different "phases" as to what I like to work on.  Sometimes it's jewelry making, sometimes hair bows, sometimes it's refinishing furniture.

Now onto the questions:


Making slips is always a joy when I listen to General Conference that can be found on the Mormon Channel App.  Our slip shop has been keeping us busy and we are also preparing to do a few boutiques this holiday season.

And who doesn't love a good cupcake? These were the cupcakes from my son's birthday.  He was born on my 25th birthday and every year since then I enjoy making his birthday special!

How about some yummy cinnamon rolls.  When it starts to get chilly out, I can't help but make some of these babies!

I completed my first quilt using free motion quilting on my machine.  I'm in love!  It was so much fun and I look forward to doing many more.

 I refinished my coffee table in my front room using chalk paint.  It was so much fun and so easy to do and I love the way it turned out!

Trying out some new recipes...the family has approved.  Look for some recipes in future posts like this Raspberry Chicken Salad Wrap.

A few sewing projects that are nearing completion are:
My teenage son's quilt that we are making together.

My 10 year old son's quilt that we are making together.

And lots of merit badges to sew on.  That's what I get for having 5 boys within 5 years!

*Look for these projects in upcoming posts.  :)


 My work differs from others because I never follow the recipe or pattern the way I should.  I look at something, or taste something, and then think of how I could make it myself.  With quilting, I like to look at different patterns or books, pick one that I like and then recreate it in my own mind and then get to sewing.  With food, I see or taste something and as I start to make it, I begin adding new and different ingredients.  I learned to cook like that from my mom, I hardly ever saw her use a recipe, she would just start adding thing together.  My challenge is remembering to write down what I did so I can share it. 


 I love creating items that people will love.  With quilts, I love it when my big teenage boys go and pick out a "girly" quilt out of the closet because they love cuddling up with one of Mom's Quilts.  I love it when my 10 year old son compliments the dinner on how yummy it tastes.  I love it when my kids ask if I can help them make a quilts or teach them to make bread.  That is when it all pays off. 


 My creative process is working all the time in my head.  I'm constantly looking for different things to make and do and then I'm always working it out in my head on how I what to create it.  As far as the writing goes, I try to write it quickly, so I can get back to doing other things.  (So hopefully there aren't too many grammar and spelling mistakes.) A mother's work in never done!

For the next week I will tag the sisters from the blog Wayward Girls Crafts.  The are a group of sisters, along with their mom that craft and look good doing it!  We have been following them for years now and you will love them just as we do!


Brave Brooke said...

Thanks for the challenge! You can find our post here: http://www.waywardgirlscrafts.com/2014/10/around-world-blog-hop.html

-Brave Brooke

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