For those of you who have noticed our absence lately, I just wanted to give you the heads up on what is going on in our lives.
Brittany just completed a move and is still busy unpacking and organizing her home.
Bridget's computer bit the dust (had some water damage) and now she is without a computer for the time being. Hopefully she can get a replacement ASAP!
I am in the process of getting ready to move as well. Moving is so much work and we are starting to pack already and moving all next week. My boys start school next week, so there goes all my helpers. And my husband is still working 80 hours a week. Residency doesn't allow for any breaks. :( And I just started up college again. My first day is today. I'm taking 6 credits. Busy times!
And now for the big news! Brooke had a baby yesterday! She had a very fast labor and almost didn't make it to the hospital. Thank goodness the hospital is only 5 minutes away! She had a beautiful baby girl and we are still waiting to hear what she named her.
So bear with us and we will get back to posting regularly and we have a fun giveaway as well coming up!