Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Homemade Oreo Cookies

My son and I share a birthday, along with Bridget's son. It is definitely a busy day!  

I picked up some Sonic meals and ate lunch with him in the cafeteria.  Then me and my two girls (ages 3 and 1) rushed to Wal-mart to pick up some M&M's to make some cookies to take to his class at the end of the day.  (The schools here are very picky about birthday treats.  You are not allowed to bring anything with frosting.  However, they allowed homemade M&M cookies.) They were a big hit!  I should have made more because the kids kept asking for seconds.  :)

  I asked my son what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday celebration with the family.  He didn't want a cake, but homemade Oreo cookies with Oreo ice cream.  So that's what he got!  And they were so good!  My sister-in-law gave me this recipe years ago and they are yummy and easy!

Homemade Oreo Cookies

1 Devils  Cake Mix
1 Cup Shortening
2 Eggs

Beat together until well mixed.  make into small balls and put on cookie sheet.  Bake at 350 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes. Do not over bake.

1 - 8 ounce package of Cream Cheese
1/2 cup Shortening
Powdered Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla 

Mix together Cream Cheese and Shortening until smooth.  Add powdered sugar until you reach a spreading consistency.  Put in between 2 cooled cookies.  Enjoy!



Unknown said...

This looks delicious! I'm pinning this, and I plan on trying them soon (it may ruin my husband's "diet," but he doesn't need to be on one anyway :).

Annie said...

Oh my goodness, my mouth is definitely watering right now--these look amazing! I will definitely be making these!

Buzzy @ Frugalfancypants said...

Oh my goodness, I almost died of excitement when I saw this... Yum! Yep, you've got one new follower! :)


Jenn said...

I LOVE homemade oreos! Especially ones that are loaded with frosting like yours!

kalynbrooke | Creative Savings said...

Mmmm. These look so yummy! Visiting from The 36th Avenue link party.

Melissa @ Bless This Mess said...

We made the same thing this week! What are the odds :)


Seriously addictive (and easy!) this stuff is. Are you from Utah?! Lol, that's the only place I've eaten these.

mail4rosey said...

I think my hubby would like this one!

ropcorn said...

Wow! Just reading the headline made my mouth water, then when I saw the photo - YUM!! Definitely something I have to try. And because I live in Sweden, this definitely sounds like an American treat to me. Even more fun. :-)

Thank you for sharing!

(Found you through Katherine's Blog Hop by the way.)

Chieu Lee said...

New follower here stopping by from the Mommy-Brain Mixer, blog hop! Looks Yum and I still can't believe you girls are all related and working on a blog together! That is super awesome!

akawest said...

Those look yummy! I can't wait to try them.

Jill @ Create.Craft.Love. said...

Oreos are my FAVE! Can't wait to try this recipe!

Unknown said...

Oh my AMAZING!! These look so yummy! I'm pinning now and will make later! Newest follower, so excited I found your blog! You girls are so cute! So excited to see more from you!!

~Jen @ Yummy-Healthy-Easy

Mariel said...

Mmmmm....I love homemade Oreos! I'll have to try out your recipe. :)
I would love to have you stop by 'Or so she says...' to share your great ideas at the link party, going on right now (and every weekend.) I hope to see you there! www.oneshetwoshe.com

Bethany@http://thislittleestate.blogspot.ca/ said...

Just found your blog! I need to make these immediatly! They look delicious!

Buttons Apart said...

These cookies look yummy! Thanks so much for following, following you girls back :)

Sita & Radha

Fearon said...

Yum! I will definitely be trying these out.

Following from forheartandhealth.blogspot.com

Chelsea said...

That looks delicious! Thanks for sharing!



Crystelle said...

No WAY!!!!
So easy!
And with cream cheese filling it is sure to be super tasty!

Thanks for sharing! I'm pinning.....

Unknown said...

Can you hear me drooling? These look so delish!

Unknown said...

oh those look so good!

Michelle Day said...

oh my goodness these cookies look sinful! I can't wait to try this recipe at home. Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday. Can’t wait to see what you share this week! Have a wonderful week.

Jill said...

Oh yum they look scrummy!

Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a fabulous week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success

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