Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Stockings Week- Brooke

This is Stockings Week over here at Babblings and More! 
Each of us sisters are going to post the stockings we have.  Here are the stocking I made last year.  I just used a pattern that I bought at JoAnn's.  The pattern is McCall's M5578.  I just tweaked it just a little to make them how I wanted.  They are super easy to make though!

This is my husband's stocking...
My Stocking...
Weston's Stocking...
Madi's Stocking...
As for the questions....
The one thing I remember getting in my stocking when I was a little girl is definitely Navel Oranges.  Not only did we get them in our stockings, but we had to pick them ourselves at a local orchard.  Such fun memories!

My favorite thing to give my children is also Navel Oranges!  You just can't have Christmas without them!


  1. These are very cute! If I can get my act together I plan to make stocking for my family this year.

  2. Very cute stockings! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! See you next week,
    Beth =-)

  3. I love your stockings. So funny that you mentioned oranges. I never heard of getting oranges for Christmas until I met my hubby. He insists on giving them to our girls every year. Even though I think its odd the girls do love them and its better than candy. I love your blog. I'm your newest follower. Would love you to stop by DIY Home Sweet Home.
    I have a giveaway going on right now WOuld love you to stop by and enter.


  4. Hi! I am hosting a stocking link party all this month. Would love for you to come by and link up yours! http://nap-timecreations.blogspot.com/2011/12/2-stockings-my-paper-piecing-stocking.html

  5. Thanks for linking your cute stocking ideas! Featured them on Facebook this week! facebook.com/bearrabbitbear

    Sew Rugged @ bear rabbit bear

  6. I love all the fabric choices. So cute1 Thanks for linking up and sahring!

  7. More gorgeous stockings!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  8. Those look great! We always get oranges too. :) Thanks so much for sharing these at Shine On Fridays!

  9. I love how they are all uniquely colored for each family member. Thanks for sharing!
