Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Stockings Week - Briana

Welcome to Stockings Week here at Babblings and More! 
Each of us sisters are going to post the stockings we use!
 Over the years, I have made my stockings.  I used the same pattern that our Mom used on the stockings that we grew up with.  I thought that it was funny when I married Ben, that his Mom used the same pattern for their stockings as well! 

I have a huge mirror in my entry way.  I decided to hang our stockings there.  They are pretty heavy, so I hope they stay!  ;)

I wish I could remember what stocking belongs to who.  But that's why I had remember all of the things that I forget!  ;)

Our Mom was clever enough to cross stitch all of our names on our stockings growing up.  I don't think I will get around to doing that for awhile...

Like my sisters, I too remember getting a navel orange in our stockings each year.  I also remember one Christmas, each one of the girls received perfume in there as well.  

In our home, every Christmas morning, we find navel oranges in our stockings as well.  We also find some candy and a mechanical toothbrush.  Random, I know, but my boys always look forward to it and I find them mentioning it every year.  Funny!


  1. I'm new to your blog today and love it! I'm your new GFC follower :) I'd love for you to link up at my 1st ever "Life is About... blog hop" going on now!


  2. Your stockings look so nice all hung up so neatly. I'm rummaging through my Christmas deco now looking for my son's stocking. At 21 he still enjoy having his stocking filled.

  3. Your post made me smile. I made new stockings last week and my kids still had to tell me whose is whose. Love your stockings!

  4. Ahhhh--- stockings! Those were my fave part of Christmas morning because of,yes, sweet oranges!

    Thanks for sharing :D

    Visiting from Happy House Project's Freestyle Friday linky party,
    ~Suzanne in NW Illinois

  5. I love how you displayed your stocking- they look great! Thanks for entering my giveaway, good luck!

  6. They are beautiful!

  7. Hooray for oranges in the toe of the stockings! The stockings are the best part of Christmas morning, all those little gifts wrapped up! I love your row of stockings...they're going to take some filling.

  8. Love them. I still have the stocking my mom made while growing up!

  9. Beautiful stockings! I love that you used the same pattern that your mom used!

  10. I remember having a friend make stockings for us when my kids were growing up, and you are right--the kids remembered whose was whose!

  11. Those are the same stockings my mom made for us! She chain stitched our name onto ours, but when I used Shadow Embroidery. I love them!!!

  12. Thanks for linking to Take-A-Look Tuesday - you were featured today!! --Mandy,
