Monday, December 5, 2011

Stockings Week!-Bridget

This is
Stockings Week
Babblings and More!

Each of us Sisters are going to show you our Stockings and reveal what our favorite
Stockings Stuffers are
Now and Then...

Heres the Millers Stockings. I made these a few years back out of old Wrangler Jeans, red bandannas, conchos, then tooled everyones names on a piece of leather. They are on display on our bookcase, very clever eigh?...

My favorite item to get in my stocking when I was little was Navel Oranges! They are freshly picked from a local Arizona Orchard and are the yummiest thing to eat at Christmas Time!

My favorite item to give now in my kids stockings are Navel Oranges! ha ha... I can't quit that tradition!


  1. We do the oranges too. It was a tradition from when my dad was younger:>

  2. Oh fun! We used to get oranges also--but then they stopped. I don't know why :).

  3. I love anything denim! I think we should start the oranges tradition. Only, I'd rather a grapefruit. Would that be weird??;)

  4. I've read in books of people putting oranges in stockings - but never actually heard of anyone doing that - I think it is AWESOME!! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! See you next week,
    Beth =-)

  5. A couple people were just telling me recently that they used to get oranges as a kid and plan to carry on that tradition with their children.

  6. I love that the stockings are hanging on the bookshelf.

  7. I just picked up some oranges today!

    I am now following you and I hope you will follow me back. Would you link up with my Handmade on Humpday link party going on now? You can find it at

  8. Cute idea, Bridget! I always liked putting oranges AND peanuts in the kids' stockings, as well as other little gifts I found. The kids got their stockings on January 6, Epiphany, the twelfth day of Christmas. :-) Stopping in from 'A Creative Princess.'

  9. I have loved all of your stockings. They are just great!

  10. What a fun way to recycle denim! Thanks for sharing them with us :)

  11. so cute. I love the denim stockings!


  12. Such cool cowgirl stockings! Love the idea of using jeans and bandanas!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  13. Super cute Stockings! Thanks for sharing them on Strut your stuff with the Six Sisters! We hope to see you again next week!
    Kristen... one of the sisters! :)

  14. I'd love to see a close up photo of the leather name tags. What a great use for old jeans. I like the orange tradition! It was a big deal for my mom when she was growing up in the 1930's because it was the only orange se'd get all year. They didn't grow in New York and she was from a farm family that produced all their own food (for the most art).

  15. I am totally a sucker for anything denim...I LOVE these.
