Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pumpkin Brains

This is a dish that we would always have for Halloween. It is so yummy and make sure you scrape the side of the pumpkin to get the yummy meat of pumpkin that tastes great with the rice. This is what is looks like before it is cooked...

Here it is cooked. It may fall more depending how long you bake it.
Heres the rice "stuffing".

Pumpkin Brains

1 Med. Pumpkin (clean all seeds out)
3 c. Cooked Rice-
(Al dente. Don't over cook the rice cause it will cook more inside the pumpkin)
1 lbs. Hambuger or Sausage (cooked)
1 Carrot (shredded)
1 Celery (chopped)
1 Small Onion (chopped)
2 cans Cream of Mushroom

1 c. Sour Cream

Cook the rice and fry the hambuger/sasuage and drain the grease. Sautee the carrots, cellery, and onions. In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients together, including the cream of mushroom and sour cream. Scoop the rice mixture into the pumpkin and place the pumpkin lid back on top.
Put pumpkin on a cookie sheet so that you can move it.
Bake at 400' for 45-60 min.
This will feed a crowd, so make sure you have your friends or family over to eat!


  1. This actually sounds really good. It would make a lovely centerpiece for a roast dinner. I like pumpkin soup but I never know what else to do with a pumpkin. This sounds ideal.

  2. What a great name for a dish - and it looks yummy!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  3. Such a different recipe! Thanks so much for sharing at Sunday's Best =)

  4. How original!! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!

    Sew Rugged @ bear rabbit bear

  5. I have a similar family favorite recipe that we do every year for Halloween and a couple other times while pumpkins are in season! This looks so yummy! So glad you linked up with us! Have a great week!


  6. What a cool recipe!!! My boys would LOVE this! Thanks for sharing your yummy pumpkin brains at the Tuesday To Do Party!

  7. Sounds gross but looks delicious! Thanks for sharing at Taking A Timeout Thursday! Hope to see you again tomorrow :)
    -Trish @ Mom On Timeout
