Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cupcake Tips

We all love cupcakes, right? 
Moist and delicious! Mmmm!

Here are a few tricks I learned at a cupcake class to use when making cupcakes out of a box.

  • Use 2/3 cup measuring cup to fill your liners
  • Use the best quality vanilla
  • The more vanilla, the better!  Add a tsp or two to the batter.
  • Substitute mayo for the oil
  • Add 1 tsp. baking powder to the batter
  • Do not over bake, you want the cake to be spongy
  • After removing cupcakes from oven, leave in tins until cool
I like to use all of these tips when making the cupcakes, but you don't have to do all of them.  Sometimes, I leave the mayo out of the recipe because it's easier and faster just to pour some oil in.

FYI: The mayo doesn't make the cupcakes taste like mayo, but it does give them a nice texture and added moisture!

Now go off and make some yummy cupcakes!


  1. I'll have to try some of these!

  2. Yum, I've personally never baked cupcakes but now I think I'm going to have to give it a try!

  3. Great tips! Thanks for these! I use apple sauce instead of oil in my cupcakes! But maybe I'll give mayo a try now... ;)

  4. I never knew you could substitute mayo for the oil in cakes! I'll have to try that! I wonder if it changes the taste at all?

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  5. Those are some great tips! Thanks so much for sharing at Sunday's Best =)

  6. Mayo instead of oil? Ive never heard that before.. Ill have to try it! Thanks for the tips. Stopping over from craft :)

  7. thanks so much for sharing!! im totally pinning this:)thanks for linkin with Tell Me Tuesday!!

  8. My kids love cupcakes! I'm really intrigued by the idea of substituting mayo for oil.

  9. Great tips. Thanks for sharing

    ~Mrs. Delightful

  10. Hi there- found you through the hop and am a new follower. Oh goodness, I, like everyone else, have never heard of mayo being used in cakes! I hope you have time to follow my life in South Africa by

    I hope you are having a great week!

  11. do you do all these tips in one batch?

  12. Good tips - I just started making my own vanilla, based on a Pinterest post idea. Now, I'll be adding it to my cupcakes, too.

    I'd love for you to add this idea (and any others you like) to my weekly Thrifty Thursdays blog party. Here's the link:Thrifty Thursdays

  13. Thanks so much for those tips. We've tried mayo a couple times, but I think the recipe called for it. I've never been brave enough to just try subbing it in.:)

  14. Found you on Quilted Cupcakes' Linky Party! LOVE this cupcake recipe. I'll be visiting you again soon. Hey, my site-- Ducks n a Row --hosts a Wonderful Wednesdays Linky Party. Please stop by and add your links anytime!

  15. Thanks for sharing these great tips. Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!

    Sew Rugged @ bear rabbit bear

  16. Interesting tip about the mayo...I am a little nervous, but I think I am going to try it. :)

  17. They looks so pretty and I'm sure they're delicious! I'll be trying your tips! So glad you linked up with us! Have a great week!


  18. I've never heard the mayo tip! Gonna have to give this a try! Thanks for sharing your cupcake tips at the Tuesday To Do Party!

  19. Excellent tips! I usually just sub in applesauce for the oil but I will give the mayo a try. Thank you so much for sharing at Taking A Timeout Thursday! Hope to see you again tomorrow :)
    -Trish @ Mom On Timeout

  20. Wow!!!great tips,they are very helpful specially for the begginers like me...
    Thanks for sharing with Midweek Fiesta @every Wednesday

    & hope to see you in next week too....Have a great day!!
