Monday, November 7, 2011

Welcome to the Sisterhood!

One of our brothers got married to a fantastic girl this past week!  We all love Karlee and we are so glad that she is apart of our family!  The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a whole lot of fun!  My boys kept saying it was their favorite reception of all time!

Here is a picture of all us girls with Karlee.  Isn't she so beautiful?  She married our brother John.  Larissa (on the left) married our brother James and is expecting their 2nd child in a few months!  We are so glad that these two wonderful ladies are apart of our family!  They add so much to our family!

Larissa, Brittany, Brooke, Karlee, Briana, and Bridget
Since we were all down for the wedding, we decided to snap a few pictures.  My son, Caleb, took these pictures.  He's becoming quite the photographer!
Bridget, Briana, Brooke, and Brittany
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures. You ladies remind me of my own family. The more the merrier.
