Thursday, October 6, 2011

Scary Ghosts!

 I finally decided that I needed to make some sort of Halloween decorations with my kiddos.  As I was looking around my house and stumbled onto some Walmart bags, which gave me the perfect idea!  So we made Scary Ghosts to put in a tree in our front yard!  
Here is how they turned out...
They were super easy to do, and my children loved making them!  All you need is...
White Trash Bags
Grocery Bags
Sharpy (to color the faces)
Twine (I think I use this in practically everything I do!)
Now all you do is stuff the garbage bag with the grocery bags to make the head.  Then tie it off with the twine.
Then color on the faces.  I just made eyeballs (because my children where anxious to see the Ghosts!)  I wish you all could hear my son make a "ghost noise", it is SO funny!
Just hang them from the tree and you are done!
They are such cute little Ghosts!


  1. So doing these this weekend. New follower from the hop hope you can come over and say hello

  2. Those are so cute. I have to try this. Thanks for following. I am following you back.

  3. How cute! I love the fact that you used all materials that anyone has laying around the house! My kids would love making these! :) Thanks for linking up to Sassy Sites! Have a wonderful Friday! XOXO!! marni

  4. I don't see that my comment was published! Hopefully you got it! XOXO :)

  5. Thanks so much for linking to one artsy mama!

  6. Yesss! This is what we did when we were kids around Halloween time. Back in the day when your house looked weird NOT decorated! Good times, great tutorial!

  7. BRILLIANT! Such a great halloween craft - simple - and they look so good blowing in the breeze on your tree!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  8. So cute! It would be super fun to do with the kiddos! Thanks for sharing!

  9. What a great way to recycle the plastic bags!

    Thanks for linking up at the It’s a Wrap Link Party at Artful Rising.


  10. What fun...I bet the kiddos love them :)

  11. I love these! I need to start decorating outside:>

    Thanks for linking up:>

  12. I'm sure these float in the wind beautifully! Since they are so light! Great idea!

  13. These are so cute and simple, too! I love simple :)
    These would be great for our Halloween linky party, {Not So} Tough Tuesday's on One Tough Mother. Hope to see you there beginning at midnight Tuesday!

  14. I found you over on One Tough Mother's Tuesday party. These look like so much fun! If only I had a tree in my yard to hang these in. I'll have to figure something out, these would be great. Well and cleverly done!

  15. Its so funny. I have been trying to think of creative ideas that are easy and that I could do with the kids I babysit. I have also been trying to find something cheap to decorate with for halloween and then I saw this. Its a awesome idea and im totally stealing it. lol. J/k. Borrowing. :)

  16. Sooo stinkin' cute. AND a great way to reuse plastic bags that seem to never end.

    I am a new follower and totally love your cute blog! Oh...and I am stopping by from Southern Lovely Show & Share Link Party!

  17. too cute love your idea come over and see what I shared at

  18. What a great idea and how simple!! I know what I'm going to have hanging in my trees this weekend! Thank you so much for linking up!

  19. So cute! I made some similar ones with sheets a few weeks ago.
    Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!


  20. I used to that every year when I was a child. Frugal, simple and cute!

  21. So cute and easy! Who doesn't have tons of bags lying around. I am pinning this cute idea. I am visiting from Pin Inspirational Thursdays. Vicky from

  22. I love the ghosts!

    Thanks for linking up to scrappy saturdays last weekend, come on back and link up again!


  23. This is so fun! I love that the kids were able to get involved with this! Thanks for linking up @ Show & Share!

  24. Cute and so easy to make in short time. Only the fact is that you used all materials and make perfect for Halloween look. My small brothers and sister would like making these.
