Friday, October 7, 2011

Featured Friend Post: Ghoulishly Glowing Cupcakes!

One of my school friends has a great blog called Food Snots. She has some great recipes that are so unique and yummy! She also is a food photographer so everything looks absolutely yummy!

Here is a recipe that I thought was SO COOL so we decided to feature her today. Ghoulishly Glowing Cupcakes! Yemp, they are glowing!

To check out the recipe click HERE! And don't forget to follow her blog as well!

Dont forget to grab our "I was featured" Button on the right!


  1. I am so excited you guys had me as the friend post!! This totally made my day :) Thanks <3

  2. These look so yummy! Hopping over from Coffee Break! Would love it if you would like to follow me back! And enter my giveaway!

  3. Hi Bridget, I have awarded you "The Versatile Blogger" award. Please stop by and check it out. Thanks, you truly inspire me.

