Monday, September 26, 2011

DIY- Temple Pictures

In General Conference back in April, President Monson quoted President Spencer W. Kimball when he said, “It would be a fine thing if … parents would have in every bedroom in their house a picture of the temple so their children from the time they are infants could look at the picture every day until it becomes a part of their lives. When they reach the age that they need to make the very important decision (concerning going to the temple), it will have already been made.”

I have been wanting to get some Temple pictures in my children's room, but I kept putting it off. I found this awesome blog HERE that had tons of free temple pictures with the saying, "I'm going there someday" on them. They are super cute pictures! I had to hurry and do them because I wanted to do them before next General Conference, so here they are...

I did the Salt Lake Temple for my daughters room.
And the Lubbock Temple for my sons.
Here is how they are done...
Step one- Get your wood cut to the right dimensions. I used a 11x14 poster from Walmart- so I cut the boards to 11 1/2 x 14 1/2.
Step 2- Sand the board down to get ready for the paint.
Step 3- Paint
Step 4- Put Mod Podge all over the front of the board (where the picture is going). You want it pretty thick so the picture will stick good, without bubbles.
Step 5- Put picture on the board and get all the bubbles out from underneath it. I used a spatula and it worked great!
Step 6- Put the Mod Podge all over the front of the picture. I did about 4-5 coats.
Let it dry and your done!

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  1. I need to do some like that for my kids rooms, great idea thanks!

  2. My hubby and I have a "going someday" frame where we put pics of our dream vacations! Great idea! :)

  3. This turned out great Brooke! Gotta make one now!

  4. Great idea and nicely done! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  5. Hi Brooke! You did a great job on the pictures and with the tutorial!! Thanks so much for dropping by and for joining the Tuesday To Do Party!

  6. This is so pretty! I have felt the same need to get temple pictures in my kids' room and I think I will follow your lead to get on it! Thanks!

  7. Great job on this! I am going to pin it! Stopping by from Night Owl Crafting link party.

  8. Very pretty! And thanks for the link to the site, I'm heading there now to see if they have the temple where we got married. (Snowflake, AZ) I'm really enjoying your website, probably because you are cool AZ girls as well! :)

    Brie from

  9. These are so pretty! I would like to do this now! Great tutorial! Thanks for telling where you got the pictures!

  10. Love this - what type of picture did you do? Did you just print it at a store? I am wondering if this idea would work on a canvas. Thanks

  11. Ok, so I'm kind of dumb and I don't do all that many projects so could you explain how you get the picture form the free website onto the 11X14 poster size from walmart. THANKS! :)


  12. Jamie, from the Lil' Luna Website- click on the temple you want and it will make it into a big picture. Then right click on the picture and click "save image as" to save it onto your computer. When you get onto the walmart photo website you can just upload the picture and choose the size of the print. If you want bigger than a 8x10 you have to make it into a poster. You can just order it online and pick it up at the closest walmart to you. Let me know if you have anymore questions.

  13. thank you so much for posting this (and for the links to the photos). I cannot wait to tackle this project!

  14. This looks great. I love working with mod podge it is so handy isn't it?
    I was thinking of doing this very thing with a picture I have of an old church. I love the black and white! I hadnt thought of that. thanks for posting!

  15. so beautiful. We have a similar on inn our home of the LAS Vegas temple

  16. So cute!!! I took photos of my kids in front of the temple to put in their rooms, but of course only one of them turned out cute enough :P

  17. These is great! Thanks for the tutorial!

  18. Wow, great minds think alike :) Check out my version if you get a chance :)

  19. I made the one following your tutorial and I love it! I am good friend of Larissa. Thats how I found you guys. :) Thanks for the tutorials! I look forward to many tutorials from you gals.

  20. It looks great. This is a great way to create beautiful inexpensive artwork.

  21. I'm always looking for mod podge projects! Yours turned out great! Thanks for sharing!

  22. I've done this before and it's super easy. It's inexpensive but beautiful. And, yes, Mod Podge and I are best of friends- so any project using the fab stuff is right up my alley. TFS, I'm over here from Sassy Sites.

  23. These are so pretty! You did a great job! Thanks for linking up to Things I've Done Thursday!


  24. Nice tutorial. You art piece looks professional!

    Thank you for linking to Potpourri Friday. I appreciate your participation!

  25. Hi, I'm a new follower. I found you on Follow Me Friday Blog Hop. Hop over and
    say hi if you get a chance Jennifer from Just Wedeminute--

    Great idea to use the spatula!

  26. I love these, they are beautiful! Thanks for sharing, I featured them on my Friday 5. Have a great weekend!

  27. Super cute! Been thinking about the need for this as well.

    Ali from Follow Me Friday.

  28. Absolutely Beautiful!! I love it!! I just found your blog through Six Sisters Stuff. I am you newest follower. I love your blog!!
    Stop by and say Hi!!

  29. Thanks so much for sharing. I'm looking forward to trying this out. Found your blog through the Sundae Scoop link-up.

    Jaymie @

  30. This is such a fun idea! You made it look so simple to make! Thanks so much for sharing at Show & Share!

  31. Really pretty. I've seen these before, but I love them just the same :)

  32. Great work on the picture!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  33. I made a bunch of these last year. I love that picture. So fun.

  34. I wish i was crafty like you.. you really have a great blog! I personally invite you to our new community -Where Moms and Girls can add blogposts, create groups, make new friends that may have similar interest and passion that you have. my username there is prewchatterly ;) hope we can be friends. Godblessyou!

  35. Found you on Everything Under the Moon! Very cute! And thanks for the link. :0)
    ~Jana @Project:Possible

  36. So lovely, and I never thought to get it printed out big somewhere, when you said you got it at Wallmart I assumed they sold them in the supermarkets in America :) Great idea.

  37. I featured this on my blog today! Hopefully that's alright with you! Just want people to see this wonderful project!

  38. I need to do this for all my girls. What a cute way to display the temple.

  39. I love this! I need to make one for my daughter's room. It still needs a temple picture in there. And I love that you got the wood from Walmart because I go there all the time!

  40. I love the temple pictures. I think I will make them for my kids for christmas.

  41. Have you seen this type (B &W or sepia) of the Washington DC temple? I am having a hard time finding one!!
    delivery.RN at gmail dot com

  42. I used to live in Lubbock, right near the Temple. It was absolutely beautiful, and would sparkle when the sun hit it just right. Great idea with the pictures! I have a few that I plan on doing myself!

  43. How do you get the Temple Pictures?
