Tuesday, September 27, 2011

French Pancakes

This goes great with the previous Homemade Maple Syrup Recipe that I posted earlier.

French Pancakes

1 C. Flour
1/2 C. Sugar
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1 Egg
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 C. Milk

Mix all the ingredients together. Do not over stir or else you will have tough pancakes. Cook on a hot oiled griddle turning once to brown both sides. Serve with warm Maple Syrup.

To make a crepe like batter, add 1/2 C. more milk for a thinner batter.
Fill with jam or fresh fruit and creme cheese. Roll the pancake around filling and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Makes 8 - 12 pancakes


  1. Oh these look super yummy and really easy! Thanks for the share.

  2. Oh my, this looks SO tasty! Thank you for the recipe. I think it would be a hit at my house!

  3. Mmmm, these look so great! I definitely want to try them.

  4. Saw this over at 2805's party... yum!

  5. These look delicious! Thanks so much for the recipe! Would love for you to link it, and any of your other fab ideas, up to Fabulous Friday! http://ohhbabydesigns.blogspot.com/2011/09/fabulous-friday-5-easy-artwork.html

  6. These look delish! Thanks for sharing the recipe! Would love for you to link it, and any other fab ideas, up to Fabulous Friday! http://ohhbabydesigns.blogspot.com/2011/09/fabulous-friday-5-easy-artwork.html

  7. They look delicious! I'm your newest follower and I found you at Bacon Time With The Hungry Hypo :)

  8. Yummy! I will have to try these! Thanks for linking up to Things I've Done Thursday!


  9. They look amazing! Came over from Honey's at Potpourri Friday's party!

  10. yummo....I would love the crepe version.

  11. not sure if my comment posted, these look and sound yummo, I myself would love the crepe version.

  12. hmmmmmmmmm...love your pancakes...

  13. Seriously making my mouth water... they look delicious!

  14. Thanks so much for sharing at Show & Share! I am loving all of the fun projects that you bring to my link party!

  15. Looks yummy. I found you on Tips from the Heart blog and I am now a new follower. I like that all your names start with the letter B. I have a twin sister and both of our names start with D. Also, my daughter's name is Bridgette (pronounced like Bridget because her father couldn't pronounce it the French way). I hope you will take a moment to stop by my blog and check out my kind of fashion (hair jewelry). I'm not just trying to gain followers with hopping, I'm trying to spread the word about a product I love. Here's my url http://talesfrommyjournal.blogspot.com I also have a facebook page which is www.facebook.com/DeniseMartin.LillaRose I hope you can stop by there as well. It's the fastest way to hear about specials. I will go like your facebook page next.

  16. This is my second attempt at leaving a comment. I'm having trouble today. I found you on Tips from the Heart for the Home. I hope you will take a moment to stop by my blog and check out my kind of fashion (hair jewelry). I'm not just trying to gain followers with hopping, I'm trying to spread the word about a product I love. Here's my url http://talesfrommyjournal.blogspot.com I also have a facebook page which is www.facebook.com/DeniseMartin.LillaRose I hope you can stop by there as well. It's the fastest way to hear about specials. I will go give your facebook page a like next.

  17. Oh. my. gosh.. YUM!! If you get the chance, come link up this & whatever else you would like at Makin' You Crave Monday over at MrsHappyHomemaker.com!!

  18. Oh yum! I'm getting hungry now !

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  19. Love this! They look sooo good! I love your blog!

    Your newest follower,
    (come take a look if you like)

  20. These look delicious! I want to eat them NOW.
