Saturday, December 10, 2011

Stockings Week-Brittany

Ok I know I am always the last to get around to the blog to post, but here I am.  Growing up I remember navel oranges too, and toothbrushes.  Sometimes socks and underwear.  My favorite memory is helping my mom put out the stockings and sticking my hand in my stocking and finding an old chocolate candy or holiday eraser from the year before.  I would get so excited.  It makes me get excited right now just thinking about it.  Maybe I will go check my stocking.

My kids gets also get an orange, toothbrush and crazy socks.  (My husbands likes crazy socks).


  1. I seriously laughed out loud when I read about you finding the old candy from the year before! So funny!

  2. I had to laugh out loud when I read this also!!
