Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dresser Mirror Barrette Holder

My two little girls have a whole lot of flowers and bows!  (I went a little crazy after having 5 boys first!)  I didn't have the time to make one of those fancy bow holders, although I would think about it all the time.  I previously kept them in a box that I kept inside their dresser drawer, but they kept falling out and it was so disorganized and messy!

When we moved a few months ago, one of my older boys came up with this idea and it has worked great!  He took a long ribbon, about 1 to 1.5 inches thick, and pinned it to the back of the mirror.  Then draped it along the front of the mirror and pinned the ribbon to the bottom of the mirror. 

So simple and easy!  And now we just clip the barrettes to the ribbon and call it good!  We have two ribbons down both sides of the large mirror on the dresser.  My daughters love to pick out what flower or bow they are going to wear that day!  Usually I have to encourage a "matching" one to go with their clothes...


  1. Hi, I am now following you through GFC from please come by and follow me back.

    Thank you

  2. Love this. I love the simplicity and cuteness of it. Thanks for sharing. I would love it if you could link this up to our linky party going on right now.

  3. What a cute and yet simple idea! Love it!!!

  4. That's a really good idea! Quick, easy,and simple. I love that the girls can see what they'd like to wear too.

  5. Such a great idea! This would be perfect for my daughters room! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by to link up!

    The Not So Functional Housewife

  6. Love this idea! We do exactly that too!! LOVE your cute blog! Thanks so much for the sweet comment on ours! Now following you :)

    J&M’s Eye Candy Blog
    J&M’s Eye Candy Shoppe
    J&M’s Eye Candy on Facebook
    J&M’s Eye Candy on Twitter

  7. That's a great way to keep them all organized.

  8. I am a new follower, please follow me back at

  9. CUTE! I may finally need one of little girl finally likes to wear things in her hair!

  10. I love it! Thanks for sharing! Shay:)

  11. This is so pretty!! Would love it if you would share this at my You’re Sew creative' party going on right now!! I've also got some great giveaways this week, too!

  12. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best!!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  13. Ok, it took me a minute to get past the fact that you had 5 boys THEN 2 girls! Wow! Had to wrap my head around 7 kiddos! LOL!
    Cute idea :) When my daughter was younger and wore all her cute bows I did something similar. It's nice to be able to see them all so they actually wear them. Thanks for linking up!2

  14. I love this idea. What a wonderful way to store and display those beautiful barrettes!

  15. I just reorganized our drawer full of hair accessories and it is still not the way I want it - THIS IS PERFECT! What a great, simple idea!

  16. Cute, cute, cute! I've got two girls and no matter how well-organized I try to be, it seems like the hair supplies are always overflowing. :) Thanks for sharing!!

  17. Awesome idea! Thanks for sharing at Shine on Friday!! I hope you'll join us again soon.

  18. What a smart son you have! Thanks for sharing at Sunday's Best =)

  19. I think this is such a handy, yet simple idea. I need to do something like this for my girls hair things and get them out of our cluttered basket. Love it! Thanks for sharing on Monday madness.

  20. P.s. I am featuring this tomorrow on Monday madness.
