Monday, October 24, 2011

Temple Picture with Homemade Mod Podge

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Here is my Temple Picture of the Snowflake, AZ Temple. I used my Homemade Mod Podge recipe on this project and wanted everyone see how easy and well it turned out.
Hopefully my instructions make sense to everyone.

Before you start you need a few things:
10 x 12 board that is sanded and painted black
Homemade Mod Podge (click for the recipe)
(I printed it out on regular printer paper with my inkjet printer)
Hanging Hook (a pop top lid works great also)
Spatula or Credit Card (with a smooth, flat edge for smoothing out picture)
Paper Towels

Opt. Flowers:
Old Hymn Book or Old Sheet Music
Clear Tape
Thumb Tacks

I started out ripping the white edge of the paper around all 4 edges.
Then I added a large drop of Mod Podge on the middle of the black board and evenly smeared it around the whole board.
I carefully centered the picture on to the board and started rubbing the Mod Podge into the picture. You may have to add more on top of the picture.
Then you get your spatula and smooth out the picture. We DO NOT want any bubbles under the picture.

Then I got a paper towel and cleaned up any excess Mod Podge that was on the top and sides.

Dab gently...

There you have it. Now let it dry...
Off to making the hymn book flowers...

I had an old hymn book that our church handed out, they were being replaced with new ones. So I picked out a song that I didn't know and gently ripped out the page.
(Make sure you don't know the song on both pages. I found a song that I didn't know and ripped it out, but the song on the back was "Do What Is Right"! Really? Is that a sign?... :oP...)

Now cut 3 different sizes of circles out. I used 2 pages.

Now you are going to cut a swirly cut round and around, like a snail shell...
I did a straight cut on 2 and a wavy cut on one.

Then, from the center, start gathering up the flower to make a tight circle.

There it is. Now let it go...

It pops open.

Here on the bottom, you need to add a clear piece of tape to the pointed end. You really can't see it in the picture, there is some there...

Heres the flower...

Now squish it down and ...

...Fluff up the edges to your satisfaction.

Here are the flowers.

Now you take the thumb tacks and push them in the center of the flowers.

Just like that...

Place them on your board where you would like them. Push them on tight and adjust the flowers how you would like them. (Some more fluffing may be needed)

Now add your hanging hook or a centered hot glued pop top lid. (Make sure it is Centered)
Sorry I don't have a picture of that.
Then you have a beautiful Picture to Grace your home.

Check out Brooke's Version HERE!


  1. I love this! I'm going to do this with pages from vintage children's books for my daughter's room. Side note, are you from the Snowflake area? My aunt and uncle live there now and raise horses.

  2. Love those flowers - I'm pinning this on Pinterest so I can remember to make those. Love them!

  3. This is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. I'm pinning this!

  4. Great art piece. Thanks for the tutorial.

  5. Love this!!! Thanks for the tutorial.

  6. I love this! Great job! It totally looks expensive.

  7. This looks great and not too difficult. I will attempt this at some point. Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. I love how pretty that turned out!

    I featured this today in my "things I like thursday" post. Check it out:

  9. Oh wow I'm glad I came back to check this out. This is the temple I leave near. Love the project, going to have to make one for my home!

  10. Your picture turned out great. Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday.


  11. WOW! That looks awesome!!! Thanks for linking up at Living Life Intentionally Linky Party!!

  12. @mcooke, Me and my husband lived in Taylor, which is neighbor towns of Snowflake, for 4 years. We just moved to Queen Creek. I loved the way the Snowflake Temple looked in the picture. We love that Temple!

  13. Gorgeous and timelss piece with meaning.

  14. Very pretty flowers! Great overall effect!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  15. Beautiful! Love the rustic look of the frame.. it highlights the picture beautifully! What a wonderful piece of artwork!
    Thanks so much for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party.. can't wait to see what you share next!
    I am your newest follower..
    Hope you stop by and enter my current 500 follower giveaway @

  16. This looks so easy and pretty! Thanks for sharing!

  17. This turned out so wonderful. You make it look so easy! Thank you for sharing this at Taking A Timeout Thursday! I hope to see you back tomorrow :)

  18. Very well done. It looks so good.

  19. We are doing a Mod Podge project for Enrichment where we will be covering pumpkins with paper napkins. I know you say this works just like real Mod Podge, but I want to make sure it REALLY does. Do you notice any differences at all in success with your projects? does it bubble paper more? I would love to make my own to cut down on costs but don't want a room full of angry women when it doesn't work right! Guess I should probably give it a try, huh??

  20. Love this! I was just planning something similar with modge podge for my home...and now i can also make my own!

    Just a thought for those who do not have an old hymn book handy...check out for printable hymn pages!,17929,4782-1-1,00.html#nullLink is the alphabetical list. Click on one (it's set up so you can listen to it and learn them) and on the right side there's a link to print!

  21. Love this project and love the homemade Modge Podge. Thanks for sharing both!

  22. Amazing! I just stumbled on this and had no intention of commenting. I thought you might like to know that in the post you said to dab the "access" and I believe you meant excess. :)

  23. Becareful as if you try using spatual to get air bubbles out too hard or too much, it can tear the picture!!

    When putting mod podge on "paper" like items, its like water to paper, soaks in and tears with little force
